Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Day of fun in the Columbia River Gorge Oregon!!

Amber and I met under the Bridge of the Gods in Cascade Locks, Oregon, she had several changes of clothing and I had a general idea of the image I would like to create and where I might want to go. I hadn't been to an area yet that I knew had the background that I wanted to capture but we both were up for an exploring adventure!  She loaded her clothing into my RAV4 and we were off to go find locations! 
I knew I wanted to get a few images with the Bridge of the Gods in it since it was in the movie Twilight and the movie Wild with Reese Witherspoon, I love both of those movies and I love the architecture and lore of the bridge itself.  We went down to the water and found this cool dock with a bunch of swimmers and fisherman to keep us company. The wind in the Gorge never failed to disappoint us! 

 The next stop was the Starvation Creek Waterfall because, duh, we were in the Gorge and I promised Amber a waterfall!! Since it's summer in Oregon I knew things were going to be packed, so any of the other waterfalls I would have liked to get to were going to be swamped with people, especially on a beautiful Saturday in June!!  Starvation Creek is farther away from Portland and not as well known or "picturesque" but we still made the best of it... and I lost ANOTHER pair of sunglasses!! This is why I buy my sunglasses from Target!  Now I have sunglasses in the bottom of Timothy Lake, Benson Lake and now Starvation Creek!! My son, who loves to swim, has almost convinced me that we need to go back so he can try to find them. :-)

After leaving Starvation Creek we went to turn around (because the exit from Starvation Creek only goes eastbound on I-84) and the next exit held the location I was looking for!!! The majestic beauty of the famous cliffs of the Columbia River Gorge!!! I could not have asked for better company than Amber, we had a complete blast, she was a pleasure to work with and I absolutely LOVE her smile and laugh!! 

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