The past few days I've been angry, really really angry. It seems as though so many tiny little things have set me off, there are improvements I would love to do to my house however I lack the funds. Art wise, I have so many ideas I want to delve into farther and I feel guilty for taking the time away from my children in order to edit on the computer or travel to a location for a shoot. Health wise I'm getting better but not back to full speed yet, taking it easy is more difficult for me than I ever thought it would be. I'm packing for a trip to see family, getting ready for school supplies and clothes, dealing with the dealership about my 2012 lemon car.... etc etc... blah blah blah....
Then I stopped... I have a friend who has been in the hospital for a week with serious health problems... another friend who's father is passing away... my cousin just had a baby which they almost lost at birth... other friends who are suicidal, homeless, getting divorced, losing children... I took a deep breath and let the anger go, everything could be worse. I am completely grateful for everything I have in my life and everything happens for a reason. I'm working on letting go of things I have no control over, working more peace into my life and pushing past my fear on goals I would like to accomplish. One goal for this year is to get published :-)
I hope everyone has a wonderful day!
This image I won 1st place at the Deschutes County Fair this week! So excited! Taken with my Yashica-Mat twin lens camera on film.
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